Friday 18 February 2011

ACID..... in the Dye format.....

Here we go opening another door into the VORTEX

It came to my attention that buying loads of pre dyed topps was ok but not half as good as making products from hand dyed fiber. So....... we got a bucket load of ACID dyes. They don't make yo fly away with the fairies but they do make your fibers take on a whole new level of colour.

We did a test run today on all ready spun yarn. this is the result. (they are still damp so colours may be a bit dull)


Thats the new babies drying out. The two on the right are going to get plyed together. The one on the right is an old test skein which is just going to be made into something yet to spiral out of our brains.
Sorry for the breeze i have had a glass of westons organic whilst dying this fibre. CIDER I UP LANDLORD.

Well tomorow is going to see me dying some of my new DHF Falklands Merino x tops ready for spinning :) That makes PIG's well happy

Still experimenting with the dying technique. I have read a lot about it on the internet but nothing beats hands on experimentation. I'm using Kemtex Acid dyes at the moment they are working well but I do need to get my hands on a nice crock pot to dye in.

Anyways I'm off now to the sleep direction. Catch you all soon


And enjoy the solar flare energy


PIG brains


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