Yay, it's autumn. No, actually, I love it. I love the colours of the trees, I love the feeling of the end of the warmth rolling around us and through us, the change in the seasons, the world rolling on as it should...the wind in the trees getting snappier, the feeling of moving into a yin stage, as our caz would put it, focusing energies and intentions and channeling the hibernation instinct... the madness of summer over and we can retreat into a state of creativity and snuggliness, apples, chutneys, slippers, jumpers, scarves...especially scarves, and cowls in fact anything warm and snuggly... We have been taking great delight in our own crochet wear, self confessed designer wool junkies that we are!! We've made lots of new things, I now have nice new gloves to replace the ones I lost at glasto (sob! for the lost gloves, so lush) ... new ones are nicer tho! And made a few pairs for the stall too :) of course! Next stop...is felting slippers. Oh yes, please I can't wait to have some on my feet... we are going on honeymoon in 2 days, and the yurt we're staying in has explictly stated no shoes inside...felted slippers it is then, no problem dudes
Honeymoon! Yes, we are now indeed newly weds Mr & Mrs Cat & Pig if you do so please, and extremely chuffed about it too :) we had TWO ceremonies in one day, registry office and handfasting, it was the most beautiful, incredibly energetic weekend of bliss and indulgence and we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves... of course, there was a grand amount of felt on display as I sewed felted flowers into my dress and pig made his own very marvellous felted top hat for the occasion.
mr & mrs farmyard |
on our wedding day |
So yes, we are going on honeymoon tomorrow... we actually have had to wait 2 weeks before getting our yurt since our ceremony and so, although it may seem strange to some, we have been doing some work... although, all very fun! We can't help it, our lifestyle is our business and our creation and our baby... anyway, we're very excited and pleased to be able to say that we will soon be hosted in The Blue Room of Nailsea (which is where we are currently residing) They are going to take some of our things including felt flowers and art yarns, and we are going to be running our workshops there. First up felted bowl workshop Tuesday 18th October, so we'll keep you posted :)
Inside the hedonistically crafty and divinely smelling Blue Room... |
Also, today we did our first craft market of Nailsea which went extremely well despite the most unbelievable downpour of torrential rain every 15 minutes! We were practically flooded out before we began but all was well in the end :) plus we saw the most incredible rainbow, a full arch unbroken ... I might have accidentally gotten into two newspapers as well we'll have to wait and see! looking forward to our next market there in November. Before that we have several markets we'll be doing in Wells and Glastonbury over the autumn :)

We had such an incredibly busy summer what with all the festivals we worked both with our felt making workshop and our hula hoop party that we barely had a moment to sit down. But now we're back - well, we will be after the short interlude known as Honeymoon - and full of energy and as filled as ever with a determination to succeed on our chosen path, follow our dreams, make an honest living doing what we love, make beautiful fibre art for all, share the joy of hooping and hoopdance, live ethically and intuitively, follow the Universe, and generally be the farmyard.
Plus we've got a glow hoop and a new mixer now so we're gonna do hoop parties all over the place this winter! Whoop whoop!!
Here's some photo's from Green Gathering... we wanted to do individual blogs for all our festivals but time was not on our side... its a busy business being self employed and getting married :)
loads of love from cat&pig.face.farmyard.miaow xxxxx
this is the most amazing crocheted hat we've ever seen - hats off to this man! literally! |
and this is the awesome red felt top hat the pig made which sold within 5 hours of being open. good work!! |
bit of felted scarf (with added faeries) |
cat in her hat... claimed off the stall as the rightful owner! |
beret making workshop in full flow |
the next day festivalised outcome from one of our felted bowl workshops! |
if you take hoops to a festival, sometimes this happens |
the most beautiful handmade faerie cartle constructed throughout a giant tree stump |
watch out for the biting spiders, cat! yeech |